Saturday, September 24, 2011

Comic Break (New DC comics week 3) part 1


How I felt before picking it up: Scott Snyder had been writing Detective Comics before this and created one of the best Batman stories in recent memory (it was at the same level as Grant Morrison's work). He also did an amazing job on Swamp Thing earlier this month, so I have every reason to be excited for this book. Add in the fact that Greg Capullo is doing the art and I had really high hopes before turning to page 1.

How it read: This is the best book of the new 52 titles DC is putting out. It both ties into the work Snyder has worked on before and at the same being completely new reader friendly. The book starts off with a great action sequence beautifully drawn by Greg Capullo, that really grabs the readers attention. Once the main story is introduced it is filled with a lot of intrigue and really smart dialogue. Making this book just go over the top was the cliffhanger ending which made me want issue 2 immediately.

Will I continue to read it: I will be reading this book as long as Scott Snyder is working on it for sure. I have complete faith in this team. Batman is my favourite character and it is just so much fun to see him in a book this good.

Birds of Prey

How I felt before picking it up: I never really got into Birds of Prey. It has characters I recognized and like in other books, but when they lead their own title it falls flat for me. I understand the intrigue of a strong all female lead book and I wish it was something I could like. Duane Swiercynski has always been a writer that I find serviceable and overall mediocre.

How it read: This was a middle of the road book for me. One one hand it was the best example of women being written smart and strong (unlike other book I will get to this week), but it still felt kinda of dull to me. I really can't say more, this book was neither bad nor really good.

Will I continue to read it: Most likely not. It just was not for me.

Blue Beetle

How I felt before picking it up: I like the Blue Beetle character a bunch. He is ethnically diverse and a teenager. In a lot of ways he is the Puerto Rican Spider-Man. Tony Bedard has been working on Green Lantern books in the past that I have really liked and therefore am willing to give things he writes a try. He has never blown me away as a writer, but I have also not felt let down to often.

How it read: This book was very different than I was expecting. It completely reintroduces Blue Beetle and resets everything that came before (which makes sense since his old origin may have been too convoluted for new readers). It was nice to see a book with a strong family dynamic and a really likable lead. The only issue I have with this book was that it was a bit too much of introduction and not enough real plot unfolding yet.

Will I continue to read it: I am looking forward to seeing how this book turns out. I am not really excited and can wait a month for the next issue but I am optimistic that this book can get even better.

Captain Atom

How I felt before picking it up: This is a JT Krul Book about a character who I really couldn't care less about. The art by Freddie Williams II is not enough to get me excited (and he is a damn great artist).

How it read: This is the biggest surprise so far. I was ready to hate this book, but instead it was really fun with a great premise. Captain Atom is revamped as a new hero, the twist is that now every time he uses his powers he slowly dies. It is a simple premise and it was carried out wonderfully. The art on this book does a really great job and making it feel so much fun. I wonder why JT Krul doesn't write like this more often.

Will I continue to read it: Yes, but I am still very cautious since JT Krul might forget how to write a good story.


How I felt before picking it up: I like Catwoman, she has always been one of the stronger members of Batman's supporting cast. Judd Winick has already written one fun book so far (Batwing) so I had every reason to be looking forward to this title.

How it read: This book is a train wreck. It actually is pretty good for the first half of the book setting up Catwoman in an interesting situation, losing her home and everything she owns. Then the book turns into a softcore porn magazine having Batman and Catwoman just going at it. Silly jokes like Catwoman mentioning that Batman is a little too quick, and really sexual artwork make this book seem juvenile. If I was 12 years old I would have thought this book was so edgy now I find it really dumb.

Will I continue to read it: I think we can leave the Batman/Catwoman porn to the fan fiction world and internet forums. I don't need to read this.

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